Bonus Scenes

Ruthless Desires Bonus Content

Deleted Scenes

Grab all the deleted scenes here.

Obviously, if you haven’t finished the series yet, don’t read deleted scenes for the books you haven’t read! Or, alternatively, you can find links to the individual deleted scenes in the back of their respective ebooks.

Bonus Scenes

For each book’s first book birthday, I rewrite a scene from another character’s POV. Grab them here:

Oliver’s Chance (BM)
Feral (PC)
Unravel (UR)
A Better Tomorrow (WC)
Please (CB)
Vicious Deception’s is coming soon!

Please remember that the main characters in Ruthless Desires are purposefully descriptionless so you can imagine them how you want. These are how readers/people who worked on the books imagined the characters.

Ruthless Desires Art

Drawings of Rhett dancing with Wren, Elliot cuddling with Wren, and Oliver kissing Wren
Drawing of Wren and Ava spotting the guys at the masquerade ball

These two pieces were drawn by Val, a fan of the series. Find her here (olympic_help).

Below, left: How Ruthie Bowles, one of the audiobook narrators, imagines the characters. Below, right: How Corvin King, one of the audiobook narrators, imagines Wren and Oliver.

Drawing of Elliot, Rhett, Oliver, and Wren hugging (depiction of scene when Oliver and Rhett come home from their visit to Adam in Blissful Masquerade)
Drawing of Wren sitting on Oliver's lap (from the scene in Blissful Masquerade where she finds him in the sunroom)

These two pieces are by artist and author Ninawolverina. Find them here.