Vicious Deception Excerpt

CW: negative self talk, very very very sad thoughts


I never told her I loved her.

My heart aches as the thought flits through my mind for the hundredth time since Ludo revealed he knew we betrayed him. I’ve been worried sick about Wren. We have no clue where she is or how long she’ll be able to stay in hiding for. With Finn helping her, she’ll probably be fine, but Ludo will stop at nothing to find her.

What if I never get the chance to tell her? What if I die before I’m ever able to see her again? What if Oliver and Elliot are already dead?

More repeating thoughts. They make me sick to my stomach as I grip the balcony’s railing and stare out over the yard.

I spent the entirety of yesterday locked up in Aubrey’s old bedroom. Someone brought me food—meals prepared by Ludo’s chef with fresh fruit and wine—but I refused to eat it. I don’t want anything from Holloway, nor am I sure that I trust it.

This morning, I woke up and enjoyed a few blissful moments of comfort before reality came crashing down on me. The comfortable mattress and soft sheets tricked me into thinking I was home.

Now, the cool air envelops me as I watch Holloway’s men patrol the perimeter of the yard. It seems that our betrayal has triggered Ludo to be even more cautious. He’s at least doubled the amount of men he has outside since the wedding.

I sigh. Without a clock, I’m unsure of what time it is. Sometime around nine, probably, given that the sun rose a couple hours ago.

It doesn’t matter, I realize bitterly. Time doesn’t mean anything anymore.

Maybe it will one day if we can find a way out of here. For now, though, I’m left studying the patterns of the guards and straining to hear conversations that could mean anything. If we try to escape, we have to make sure we’re successful, or my brothers will die.

We’ll all die.

My grip on the railing tightens as images of Oliver and Elliot’s tortured, mangled corpses flit through my mind. I can’t think like that. As far as I know, they’re still alive. If I can cling to that, maybe I can find a way to save us.

It’s the least you can do, you selfish, uncaring bastard.

We wouldn’t be in this damn position if it weren’t for me. If I could’ve found a way to be satisfied with Ludo’s death and only his death, then this would all be past us by now. We could’ve killed Ludo years ago and moved on.

Instead, I’ve subjected us to a decade of misery. None of us have been able to fully heal from Sammy’s death because I wanted to draw out Ludo’s suffering. I put the people I love the most through hell, and for what? We failed.

They’re going to die because of you.

I grit my teeth, wishing I could untangle my father’s voice from the useless thoughts spinning around in my head.


No good.

All your fault.

The bedroom door opens, and I whip around at the sound. Two men step inside, both tall with broad shoulders.

“Let’s go,” one of them says.

I step into the room, closing the balcony doors behind me. “Where?”

“Now,” he bites out.

Of course I’m not getting an answer.

Crossing the room, I feel my muscles tense as I wait for the men to grab me, but they don’t. One leads me down the hallway, and the other trails behind us.

“Where are we going?” I ask again.

“You’re going to meet your brother,” the guy in front of me says. “He doesn’t know you’re a prisoner here. He thinks you’re a guest, and that’s how it’s gonna stay. Do you understand?”

It’s so Benny doesn’t get upset. That’s what Andrew told me when he and his partner threw me in my bedroom. It didn’t make sense to me then because I never thought Ludo would let me anywhere near my brothers.

The man in front of me stops and whips around, his glare laughably intense. “Do you understand?”

“I’m not going to jeopardize my brothers’ safety.”

“Good.” He turns on his heel and continues walking.


Thanks for reading! We’re officially one month from release day! The cover reveal is coming in the next few weeks, so stay tuned. You can preorder Vicious Deception here.

🦋 Behind on Ruthless Desires? Pick up where you left off here.

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🪦 And if you haven’t heard the news, my Halloween novella Moonflower is now available as an audiobook! Grab it here.